
This year we are the feast of St. Augustine, patron saint of Plato, marked on Saturday 25.8. instead 8/28/2018 We renovated his chapel / church, and hardworking people from the construction company Gramatoš d.o.o. from Cres, while the Gilda trade from Zagreb under the leadership of Mrs. Nives Maksimovic Vasev was in charge of the conservation and restoration of the wall painting of the interior. 8 secular crosses from the Renaissance period stand out in particular.

The church was blessed by the Bishop of Krk, Msgr. Ivica Petanjak. The solemn Mass, followed by a concert by Mr. Valter and Prof. Maja Veljak, several priests were present, and they sang and prayed in case of bad weather.

The blessing also came from heaven in the form of a downpour that did not hinder us from having fun with family, relatives and friends with song, wine and guitars.

Thank you all for the pleasant company!